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They Deserve More - Support the DSP Wage Increase!

Three Hive Three Rivers Carnival
Late last week, bills were filed in the Illinois General Assembly to secure a $2/hour wage increase for Direct Support Professionals (DSPs). Now it is time to tell our legislators we need their support.
You can send an email to your state senator and state representative by clicking
Although DSP wages have increased over the last few years, the increases have only kept pace with minimum wage. DSPs are still overworked, underpaid, and struggling to make ends meet.
The state budget will be very tight this year, and there are many competing demands for state funds. We need to get these bills on legislators' radar right now, especially because the Governor will release his budget proposal next week.
Your support can help secure a sustainable DSP wage and ensure people with disabilities receive the support they deserve.
Thank you for your support.
Your friends at Trinity Services