Statement on COVID-19

Dear Trinity families and supporters,
We hope you and your loved ones are continuing to stay safe and healthy.
Since our last statement on December 4, 47 staff members and 29 people we support tested positive for the coronavirus. Also since our last statement, 73 people have recovered. Others are continuing to experience symptoms or need to quarantine longer. We hope for a quick and full recovery for all who have been impacted by the virus.
We are very saddened to report that one of our staff members from the Des Plaines area passed away from complications related to COVID-19 in December. We are heartbroken about this loss, and we ask that you keep this person and their loved ones in your thoughts and prayers.
Though the risks of the coronavirus remain, we reached a long-awaited milestone in the pandemic on January 13, when approximately 850 people we support and staff members from Chicagoland and Peoria received the first dose of the Moderna vaccine. We want to thank Chad Kodiak, of KodoCare Pharmacy, and the Will County Health Department for securing these vaccines; all of the nurses who provided vaccinations; and all of the Trinity Services staff who helped plan, efficiently organize and oversee vaccine distribution. We look forward to receiving second doses on February 10 and for most people to have 95 percent immunity on February 24.
As a reminder, we always notify immediate family members first if their loved one has tested positive, as well as housemates’ family members, prior to sending out these statements.
We will continue to keep you updated on any new information related to COVID-19 as it becomes available.
For faster access to updates, please keep an eye on our website, or send us your email address. Please also look for Trinity Services on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube or Instagram to view regular Friday update videos. Thank you for your continued support and friendship.
Your Friends at Trinity Services