Statement on COVID-19

Dear Trinity families and supporters,
We hope you and your loved ones are continuing to stay safe and healthy.
We have another update to share. We received confirmation that a second person we support in the Joliet area has been diagnosed with COVID-19. This person resides at a different location from the first person who was diagnosed with the virus. This person is showing mild symptoms and is being cared for in isolation at home. This person’s housemates are not showing symptoms. The first person who was diagnosed continues to be in stable condition at the hospital.
Family members of people in affected residential locations are notified by phone prior to any other notifications being sent out, including this letter.
Two more of our staff members have selflessly volunteered to stay in-place at the home of the person who was recently diagnosed for at least the next 30 days to provide support.
We are fortunate to have such dedicated staff members at Trinity Services, and we are hopeful for a full recovery for both people who are ill.
We have alerted all staff members and people we support who may have been exposed to the virus. All of our staff members in residential locations as well as our office locations are required to wear face masks to help prevent the spread of the virus. We also continue to focus on handwashing, sanitizing commonly touched surfaces, and maintaining physical distance when possible.
Thank you for your continued support and friendship.
Your Friends at Trinity Services