Statement on COVID-19

Dear Trinity families and supporters,
We hope you and your loved ones are staying safe and healthy.
We wanted to provide you with an update. As of Saturday night, April 4, we received confirmation that one person we support in one residential location in the Joliet area has been diagnosed with COVID-19. This person is in stable condition at Silver Cross Hospital.
Two of our staff members have selflessly volunteered to stay in-place at the home for the next 30 days to provide support to the housemates of this person and ensure that they are kept safe.
We are fortunate to have such dedicated staff members at Trinity Services, and we are hopeful for a full recovery for the person who is currently ill.
We continue to focus on preventative measures like handwashing, thorough sanitation of homes and, when possible, physical distancing. Additionally, in roughly one-third of our approximately 100 residential locations, we have staff members who have volunteered to stay in-place for 30 days to ensure the full safety of each household. By volunteering to do this, staff members ensure that no one is unknowingly bringing the virus into the homes.
We will continue to keep you updated as we move through this situation together. We are grateful for your continued support and friendship, and please know that although we cannot physically be together right now, we are in this together and will get through this together.
Your Friends at Trinity Services