
Founded in 1950

Trinity was founded by a dedicated group of parents in 1950. It was originally a school for children with developmental disabilities.


5,800 Children & Adults

Trinity serves more than 5,800 children and adults who have intellectual and/or developmental disabilities or mental health needs.


32 Communities

Trinity has a presence in 32 Illinois communities in Will, Cook, DuPage, Grundy, Madison, Peoria, Jackson and St. Clair counties.

Trinity Services Celebrates 75 Years of Helping People Flourish!


This year marks the 75th Anniversary of Trinity Services, one of the largest human service organizations in Illinois. 

Founded in 1950, Trinity Services has become a nationally recognized leader in the fields of developmental disabilities and behavioral health.  

"This is a very special time for Trinity Services," said Thane Dykstra, Ph.D., President and CEO.  "We look forward to celebrating with our friends, families, and local communities that have been instrumental to our continued success."


The yearlong celebration features several fundraising events, including the Tom O'Reilly golf tournament at Ruffled Feathers Golf Club on May 20; Trinity Triumph 5K Walk and Run at the Village Commons on June 24; Better Together Dinner Dance and Auction at DiNolfo's on September 18, and An Evening of Holiday Music and Concert Gala at Butterfield Country Club on December 5.

To learn more, contact Sherry Ladislas, Director of Development, at (815) 717-3750, or email Sherry at sladislas@trinityservices.org

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Glory Days - 26th Annual Tom O'Reilly Memorial Golf Classic

Tinley Park, Illinois

icon location
Tinley Park, Illinois
19110 S. Ridgeland Ave.

icon user Sherry Ladislas

icon mail sladislas@trinityservices.org
icon phone 815-717-3750

They say the days of college are your Glory Days. Wear your favorite college team or alumni apparel, and join Trinity Services for a day of spirited competition at our annual golf outing.

The 26th Annual Tom O'Reilly Memorial Golf Classic is set for Thursday, May 16, 2019, at the Odyssey in Tinley Park. Proceeds from this event benefit the people with developmental disabilities and mental illness who are supported by Trinity Services.

Your registration fee includes a gift, buffet lunch, a bucket of range balls, pop, beer and snacks on the course, a complimentary specialty drink and cigar on holes 5 and 16, dinner, and awards.

10:30 a.m.-Noon Registration/bucket of range balls
11:00 a.m.-11:45 a.m. Buffet lunch
12:15 p.m. Shotgun start
5:30 p.m. Cocktails and Silent Auction
6:00 p.m. Dinner and Awards

Click here to register for or sponsor the golf classic. View sponsorship opportunities below.


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