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Better Together Virtual Fundraiser

The livestream will start at 7 PM CST Thursday, October 22. Click here to watch on YouTube. Click here to watch on Facebook.

Click here to participate in our silent auction, closing at 8:30 PM CST October 22!

Click here to view our virtual program book!


We are privileged to be celebrating our 70th year of providing supports and services for people with developmental disabilities and mental illness. Though the challenges of 2020 have been numerous, we are grateful we can still celebrate the impact of our mission using the power of technology.

We hope you will join us at 7 p.m. Thursday, October 22, for an evening of entertainment, a silent auction, a preferred raffle and a celebration of Trinity's mission to help people flourish. You may view the livestream the evening of October 22 by visiting our Facebook page or our YouTube page.


Virtual Program Book Advertisement Opportunities:
Full-page $400 (7.5” W x 9.75” H)
1/2-page $200 (7.5” W x 4.875” H)
1/4-page $100 (3.75” W x 4.875” H)
1/8-page business card/celebration B&W $50 (3.75”W x 2.4375” H)